Sell Different: Create with Organic Authenticity

Kaylah Hayes

Content Creator
July 2, 2024

Why sell when you can connect?

Craft connection with Organic Authenticity

Online we’re being bombarded by advertisements and soliciting all day long. To a point where it has become natural to ignore it once we realize that someone is trying to sell us something.

Social media was once a space for personal connections, but now every other post is either a sponsored post or an ad. Today those who are still creating genuine personal connections come out on top.

Organic Authenticity is a fresh approach, it’s about showing up consistently, being in front of your audience more than the other top creators that they see regularly on their timeline.

You must always offer value. Yes, for free. The key to this is to provide new insights that other creators don't talk about.

Be genuinely yourself This is what people truly connect to, and keeps people coming back for more. They begin to feel like they know you almost personally.

Okay, we talked about how to craft connections with organic authenticity but what kind of content needs to be made to get to the sales?

My Tripple E Formula Simplifies it:



🏆-Earn Authority

Listen, motivational content is cool sometimes but once it's seen repeatedly, your audience may not engage and just keep scrolling everytime they see your face. Just be aware of this.

Your content needs to educate and teach, s

Your content needs to entertain above all. Because we know that ⅔ people are on social media to be entertained and get their next dose of dopamine. Why not have it be you. Don’t overthink this, you might have sarcastic humor. Use it.

My favorite E in the Triple E formula is to Earn Authority. This will come naturally as long as you're doing everything else that we mentioned above.

This will make it easy for you to convert those followers, supporters, and fans into interested buyers who essentially have qualified themselves along the way.

Don’t forget to find and create other ways to keep them engaged. If you can, always try to think of ways to get their contact information. Whether that be from signing up to one of your online events, joining your facebook groups, or even downloading a free resource.

We have to be prepared, and know how we can reach back out to our audience if any one social media platform goes down, or if we lose our account.

Consistency is Key in all of this. Staying in front of your audience and providing value will help you become known, liked, and trusted.

Shift your focus from selling to building relationships. Embrace Organic Authenticity, and watch your personal brand flourish while building meaningful connections. In turn you will ultimately increase your sales.

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